Back for 2024

The “Cy” is back again for another year, but a month earlier. Due to some scheduling woes based around hosting the NL Winter Games, we’re hosting the event on February 2nd & 3rd this year. And we’re aiming higher once more to bring some glory back to the tournament and bring much needed funding to deserving organizations.

We’re hoping to get back in March for the following years, but that has yet to be confirmed.

To register as a player for the Draft Click Here.

To register your premade Team Click Here.

IF you’re hoping to support the event by sponsoring please feel free to reach out.

We’re back in 2023 with The Cy Hoskins Memorial Tournament.

The tournament is scheduled for March 10th and 11th here in Gander at the Steele Community Centre. With registration for the Cy will be opening on December 31st, and expectations currently at least two divisions. One being the same as last years format, with individual players and having a draft for these players. The other being a premade team division.

Depending on the number of entries for both items you may see additional divisions added. I know we are aiming much higher than last years event but we shall see how things go. We have not decided on a set fee as of yet for the event as we need to confirm with venue(s) insurance types and what not.

if you would like to register please stay tuned, you will see some links added soon.

To Register and be eligible for the player draft click here

To Register as a Premade team for the Premade Division Click Here